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What am I afraid of?

"Write about what you are afraid of."         I would say for most, they would agree that death or spiders are their biggest fears. But mine? My biggest fears are to continue on running back to the same thing that ruined my heart. Or that love is no longer love and people just say they love one another just for the act of saying it. That all the memories are no more than just memories and the kisses were just kisses. Why is it so easy to be so consumed by a poison to your heart? Knowing damn well that in the end you will always just end up back to where you started - broken and alone. They say love is the cure to your heart.. is it really? I am so afraid that love is dead and humans have lost their hearts. I am so afraid that I have lost my passion for love and I'll never look at it the same anymore. I am so afraid of being alone with my own thoughts. I am so afraid of going through life without being able to share my experiences with someone who would appreciate them ju

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