
     Love. Such a simple word with so many complex meanings. If you look up the word in a dictionary the definition is usually around, "an intense feeling of deep affection". In many instances, I believe that is true; however, I also believe it is so much more than that.
      Love cannot truly be defined. I believe everyone has their own views and opinions on love. There are different types of love. For instance, puppy love, mad love, familial love, friendship love, old love, etc. Love goes so much deeper than affection. It is more than gifts and kisses. It is when a mother holds her newborn baby for the first time. It is when your brother or sister yells at you for wearing their clothes without permission. It is when your best friend lets you cry and scream on their shoulder even though you may be ruining their favorite shirt. It is when you give your food to a homeless man on the street. It is when your boyfriend looks at you like you are the most beautiful person in the world. It is when someone stays... when most would not have. It is when your significant other sees you at your absolute worst but still thinks you're perfect anyways. It is when your heart is racing and time always goes by too fast when you are with the one you love. It is when souls find each other and feel something so beautiful yet so scary. Love is indescribable. 
      But... love is not always your own little fairytale. It is also your own little rollercoaster. It has its ups and downs. It's tears and smiles. Sometimes your heart hurts and you feel like the world is ending... it's not. Sometimes you wake up with swollen eyes because you cried so much the previous night before, it's okay. Just know that love isn't always perfect, but that's the beauty of it. It shapes you into a stronger human being. It opens your eyes to more of the world. If I have learned one thing in this world about love it is that it does not simply vanish, it grows, it matures, it can devour you. It is not lust. 
      Everyone in this world deserves to feel loved. EVERYONE. Love is the most powerful thing. Please love everyone, including yourself. Do not be afraid to love and be loved. I promise, it is the one thing that will keep you alive. 
     Crazy isn't it? One word... formed into a sentence... "I love you." A sentence that can change a single person's life... and the whole world. 
      But who am I to tell you what love is? These are my perspectives on love. The beauty of love are the feelings you get - everyone experiences some type of love but everyone experiences it in such different ways. Love is your own little story in this mad world. Show this world your love. 

"Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love."

-1 Corinthians 13:13


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